I know you are going through with so much struggles and pain in life. I know you are facing rejection, I know you are being neglected by the people whom your strength is your source. I know your heart has been shattered again. I know you feel that every thing you did was full of failures. I know you are in despair of losing the people you love the most. I know you are having scarcity. I know you are starving. I know you are starting again but doesn't know where to begin. I know you are in great sorrow of being cheated and fooled by the selfishness of others. I know how it feels to be an outcast. I know you feel that faith isn't going to help you. I know that hope has failed you.
I know your full discouragement of keep going. I know how moving on is very deceiving that it never takes away the fear of losing again, failing again, mistreated again, abused again.
You are still breathing now, you are still seeing the sun rises from the east, come and listen to it, what does it tells you? How does it make you feel that you are still about to witness the colors the sun's light and as it sets what do you think that up to sunset, you are still able to take another step for what tomorrow brings?
You have come so far my dear fellow dreamer. We are might be thinking and feeling that the universe had turned to us, that God never listened to our prayers, that he never gave us the chance to restart our lives and accomplish what would make us feel fully content of our little genuine dreams and imaginations. I know its very hard to put trust again but how are we still living? How are we still given the chance to fight and go beyond our limitations?
God never left us nor did not listened to our prayers. He was there at the very start, he was there as our mother gave birth to us. He already knows what we will become and where we would end our precious journey on this world. But, as a loving creator who gave us the gift of life, he wanted to make sure that every sort of happiness we desire, every satisfaction that will make us glorious, filled with pure and genuine will, that we will not put ourselves into the deception of evilness and conception of misleading threads of deeds. He wanted us to use perseverance instead of waiting for someone who is good to feed us. He wanted us to find our own path to righteousness and glory keeping away all the negative and impurities of our world. He put us into a battle and he never doubted that all of us, one day will find the true meaning of life and make it a beautiful journey.
We must take action for ourselves because no one is gonna help us to defeat our own demons, but us, alone. Even, Professor Dumbledore once said to Harry Potter where evil and darkness is devouring the world of magic...
Help will be given to Hogwarts, for those who asked it.Just ask and add it with effort, no one will barricade your passion to achieve your goals, aspirations, dreams, imagination and all will be worth it.
Ash A. Hassan
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